Our World

Our World

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Small Blessings Can Become Even Bigger Blessings In Disguise

With many changes for my family in the past few weeks, it seemed as if it would take forever to get back on track.  What track, you might ask?  Our daily schedule that is for the children, my husband, and I.  The children went from having their dad work an early morning schedule and coming home later in the evening, to leaving in the evening for work.  There went the sleepless nights, fine tuning our homeschooling schedule and eating at what would be cinsidered not the norm hours for dinner.  So many negatives it had seemed.

 I just new that something had to give or I was not sure that I could keep on being "super mom" anymore.  At least I have been trying since I became a mother.  I prayed all the to have the strength to make this work for our family.  I knew there was a reason Heavenly Father had changed things in our life and the main reason was a better job for my husband that was also closer than where he had been working for before.

Finally, I saw the light!  It was wonderful and it did not all come at once, but rather a little blessing here and another little blessing there.  My son has now been reporting to my husband on his daily homeschooling adventures (a great idea from my friend, Laine).  He gets excited to let his dad know what he has been learning.  Caleb also started a daily schedule sheet that he marks off as he does each subject and completes lessons online from Brain Pop Jr. and Reading Eggs.  We were able to go to the park as a family yesterday before my husband had to head off to work and the kids were so excited to have their dad come along for the fun. 

We are still adjusting to this new schedule and before we know it, we will be going back to the old one.  But, at least for now we are trying to embrace these little blesssings in our lives and trying to enjoy these moments before they are gone.