Our World

Our World

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Work And Play, More Than It Seems

So many things to get done on a daily basis and just like in my last post, I totally slow down for a short time of the day to read and study the scriptures along with prayer times.  I enjoy this time very much and it helps me get through the day.

There are chores that have to get done, organization within the home, cooking, coupons to sort through, reading, my personal learning, exercise and of course we have to fit in play and a lot more.  Children need to know how to work hard and how to play.  Yes, everyone in my house has chores to contribute with helping not only our family, but themselves.  We always here about those young adults who have recently left home and are on their own and cannot even wash a load of laundry.  These simple, but very necessary tasks must be taught and valued ourselves. 

Yes,  I am such the busy body.  I always have things that I want to accomplish and get done.  Some of this includes my personal learning.  Right now I am reading a classic to help inspire myself and my children with Mathematics.  It is actually a fascinating subject all around and there are many parts of math  that we use on a daily basis. 

One thing with Leadership Education and homeschooling is that my children can learn about any topics that they choose and I am alright with it.  Why wait?  If I want to learn about something I get some classics to help teach and guide me and just dive in.

Our kitchen is where most of this learning happens. I get so excited knowing that just from me sitting and reasding or having personal study time, my children go to our homeschooling shelves and reach for books, flash cards, activity worksheets, projects and even come up with ideas and many questions just from seeing their mommy at the kitchen table.  So pleasing and comforting to me.

Learning has become a major part of play in our house many days out of the week and I would not change this for anything!!!

At night, Caleb likes to lay down while I read a classic aloud and Woody must be next to him!

Kylie and Caylee enjoying some outside play with their animals!

Friday, April 12, 2013

Slow Down At Least For The Scriptures

My daily life is always busy.  Life in the fast lane of a very outgoing son and twin girls.  They sure never miss a beat.  I am happy to be their mother and would not change it for the world, but it does not mean that at times I do not get overwhelmed.  During this past General Conference for church, I felt that so many of the talks were meant just for my ears.  I love how under the guidance from our Father in Heaven, the leaders in my church can convey messages of so many meanings to each of us as individuals.  One of the many messages that I took dear to my heart was on finding a way to hear our children in the way that they need.  How I speak to one of my children may not be how I need to speak to the other.  This goes with our childrens emotional, physical, educational and spiritual needs.  It totally resonated in my heart and mind.  Sometimes that tiny whisper is all one needs to hear.  One thing that is helping me on a daily basis is my daily prayers and scripture study.  During both of these times I am able to slow down.  I am able to slow down and really search out what is needed in my life at those very moments.